The downside of student life

Guess what it is? Studying! Although it is interesting, it is A LOT. I remember when I complained about exams when I was 16 and thought 30 pages was a lot to learn.. Now I just wanna tell 16 year old Hannah to shut up and stop complaining because what she is doing is super easy and it is nooothing compared to university! However, this is my life at the moment; a lot of coffee, a lot of eating out and a loooot of time spent in the library.IMAG2231IMAG2237IMAG2233

Pictures from yesterday

Yesterday I was celebrating my friend who just turned 27 and we had a great international dinner together in the park. Everyone brought a dish from their home country (I made Swedish coconut balls) and it was really interesting trying out all these new things! Before that I had lunch with friends in the city eating the best club sandwich in the world. I have had it like a million times this year already. Thanks for a great evening girls!IMAG2213IMAG2209
Food from Bulgaria, Russia, Sweden and China
Chinese dumplings
The famous Russian fish cakeIMAG2204IMAG2199

Dinner time

Today I had the best vegetarian spinach and cheese burger. I really love these vegetarian burgers because they are so easy to make, healthy and very filling. If didn’t like meat so much I would definitely consider becoming a vegetarian!IMAG2193IMAG2187

Snack time

Right now I’m treating myself with a snack and try my best to resist whatever I feel like I’m coming down with. I had the worst night’s sleep and I really feel I’m getting ill. Worst timing now when exams are coming up and everything! Well, we will see what happens, hopefully I can fight this one off!IMAG2132

Review: Macadamia Leave-In Cream

Okey, so this is one of my favorite hair care products which I have used for years and can’t live without. I apply it in wet hair every time I have showered and it leaves my hair so smooth and fresh! It’s a leave-in cream and it comes in different sizes. I have the 300 ml one and it really last forever because you only need a little bit of cream every time. Cost around €20-25macca